Rosario Talevi is a Berlin-based architect, curator, editor and educator interested in critical spatial practice (Rendell) and transformative pedagogies. Her work advances architecture as a form of agency – in its transformative sense and in its capacity for acting otherwise (Schneider) and as a form of care – one that provides the political stakes to repair our broken world (Tronto).
Rosario is a graduate of the School of Architecture, Design & Urbanism at the University of Buenos Aires. As a DAAD fellow (2011-2013) at the Technical University Berlin, she investigated the different design strategies and spatial practices that have been transforming Berlin’s undervalued, transitional and forgotten spaces.
Between 2019-2022 she co-directed Floating University, where she continues today to curate the Urban Practice programme and Climate Care, a festival engaged with theory and practice at the intersection of climate challenges, ethics of care and environmental humanities.
Rosario worked as a frequent collaborator with raumlabor_berlin (2016-2021) on projects including the Urban School Ruhr and the Chicago Architectural Biennial. She was research curator for the practice-based project Making Futures Bauhaus+ and was co-editor of the resultant publication (Spector, 2022).
She has held teaching and research positions at various universities (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Technische Universität Berlin, Universität der Künste Berlin, Freie Universität Bolzano). She was a visiting professor for Social Design (2021-22) at the University of Fine Arts (HFBK) in Hamburg.
She speaks about her practice internationally, in both institutional and non-institutional contexts, acts as juror (EU Mies Awards, German Design Graduates, HEAD/Geneva, EPFL) and her work and writing has been widely published (Routledge, Spector Books, UC Berkley Architectural Journal, MIT Press; Sternberg Press, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, DPR-Barcelona, Jovis Verlag, PLOT Magazine, uncube) and exhibited (Deutsches Architektur Zentrum, Berlin, Architekturzentrum Wien, Depot Basel).
Rosario is a founding member of Soft Agency, a diasporic group of female architects, artists, curators, scholars and writers working with spatial practices. Projects with Soft Agency include Landscapes of Care Journal for the Copenhagen Architecture Festival and Caring, a public programme for the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin.
In 2022, Rosario was a fellow at the Thomas Mann Haus in Los Angeles, California.
Single mother of Florentina Talevi (born 2003).